Monarch Butterflies at Gruler Gardens
At a time when the population of monarch butterflies is declining at an alarming rate, we still see many monarchs on our property in peak summer months. Milkweed plants, the host plants that monarchs need to survive, are abundant here, as are the nectar plants needed by adult butterflies. We care about monarchs and take an active role in their preservation, which includes participation in citizen science initiatives.
Occasionally we host visitors who want to see monarch butterflies up close as they progress through the stages of life, from caterpillar to chrysalis to the spectacular adult butterflies that astonish us with their beauty and extraordinary migratory journeys.
Contact us to inquire about our monarch activities, and subscribe to receive email updates about upcoming events.
Video Gallery
All photographs and videos on our website were taken here on our property in actual time, just as you would see them in nature. YouTube clips allow you to adjust viewing speed by going to the Settings icon in the bottom right of the screen and clicking on Playback Speed.
The Stages of a Monarch's Life
Click on the images below to watch how a monarch changes throughout its life, from a young caterpillar to a spectacular adult monarch butterfly.