One of the great joys of gardening is the element of surprise. Seeing some new insect or bird enjoying a plant validates our efforts. A relationship begins with some tiny creature whose life has been made easier because of something we have done. Suddenly we feel part of nature again.
Gardening with a conservation mindset adds a greater sense of purpose to all that we do, as we grow plants not only for their beauty but for their role in supporting life. This includes feeding the microbes in our soil, selecting plants that provide host and nectar sources for butterflies, and providing habitat for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. The rewards are abundant and visible each day in the creatures that share our garden home.
Our practices include:
Converting lawns into habitat, providing more growing area for plants that support a wide variety of birds and insects.
Creating pathways through our fields, rather than mowing large areas, which provides us with easier access and a closer connection with plants and wildlife while preserving habitat.
Leaving brush piles, rock piles, leaves, dead trees and plants stalks to provide shelter for insects, birds, and small mammals.
Intentional planting with an emphasis on a wide variety of native plants to provide nutritious food for insects, birds, and mammals.
Removing invasive species that interfere with the native ecosystem.
Providing wildlife with clean water for drinking and bathing.
Restricting use of pesticides and any harmful chemicals; limiting exterior lighting.
Composting, reducing waste, and reusing materials whenever possible.
Continuing to learn about the insects, plants and wildlife on our property, and applying that knowledge to support plants and animals.
Sharing information, experiences, and resources with you - our customers, neighbors, and friends.